Source code for kaggler.preprocessing.autoencoder

from copy import deepcopy
from logging import getLogger
import numpy as np
from sklearn import base
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import Input, Model, backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Concatenate, Dense, Dropout, Embedding, Layer, Reshape, GaussianNoise
from tensorflow.keras.losses import mean_squared_error
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import control_flow_util
from typing import List

from .categorical import LabelEncoder

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class BaseMasker(Layer):
    """A base class for all masking layers."""

    def __init__(self, probs, seed=[42, 33], **kwargs):
        """Initialize the layer.

            probs (list of float): noise/masking probabilities. should have the same len as inputs.
            seed (list of float): two random seeds for two random sampling in the layer.
        self.seed = seed
        self.probs = probs

    def call(self, inputs, training=True):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_config(self):
        config = super().get_config().copy()
        config.update({'probs': self.probs,
                       'seed': self.seed})

class ZeroNoiseMasker(BaseMasker):
    """A custom Keras layer that masks inputs randomly."""

    def call(self, inputs, training=True):
        if training is None:
            training = K.learning_phase()

        def mask_inputs():
            mask = tf.random.stateless_binomial(shape=tf.shape(inputs),

            return tf.where(mask == 1, tf.zeros_like(inputs), inputs)

        outputs = control_flow_util.smart_cond(training,
                                               lambda: inputs)

        return outputs

class SwapNoiseMasker(BaseMasker):
    """A custom Keras layer that swaps inputs randomly."""

    def call(self, inputs, training=True):
        if training is None:
            training = K.learning_phase()

        def mask_inputs():
            mask = tf.random.stateless_binomial(shape=tf.shape(inputs),

            # tf.random.shuffle() without tf.gather() doesn't work in a custom layer
            # ref:
            return tf.where(mask == 1,
                            tf.gather(inputs, tf.random.shuffle(tf.range(tf.shape(inputs)[0]), seed=self.seed[0])),

        outputs = control_flow_util.smart_cond(training,
                                               lambda: inputs)

        return outputs

class DAELayer(Layer):
    """A DAE layer with one pair of the encoder and decoder."""

    def __init__(self, encoding_dim=128, n_encoder=1, noise_std=.0, swap_prob=.2, mask_prob=.0, seed=42,
        """Initialize a DAE (Denoising AutoEncoder) layer.

            encoding_dim (int): the numbers of hidden units in encoding/decoding layers.
            n_encoder (int): the numbers of hidden encoding layers.
            noise_std (float): standard deviation of  gaussian noise to be added to features.
            swap_prob (float): probability to add swap noise to features.
            mask_prob (float): probability to add zero masking to features.
            dropout (float): dropout probability in embedding layers
            seed (int): random seed.

        self.encoding_dim = encoding_dim
        self.n_encoder = n_encoder
        self.noise_std = noise_std
        self.swap_prob = swap_prob
        self.mask_prob = mask_prob
        self.seed = seed

        self.encoders = [Dense(encoding_dim, activation='relu', name=f'{}_encoder_{i}')
                         for i in range(self.n_encoder)]

    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.input_dim = input_shape[-1]
        self.decoder = Dense(self.input_dim, activation='linear', name=f'{}_decoder')

    def call(self, inputs, training):
        if training is None:
            training = K.learning_phase()

        masked_inputs = inputs
        if training:
            if self.noise_std > 0:
                masked_inputs = GaussianNoise(self.noise_std)(masked_inputs)

            if self.swap_prob > 0:
                masked_inputs = SwapNoiseMasker(probs=[self.swap_prob] * self.input_dim,
                                                seed=[self.seed] * 2)(masked_inputs)

            if self.mask_prob > 0:
                masked_inputs = ZeroNoiseMasker(probs=[self.mask_prob] * self.input_dim,
                                                seed=[self.seed] * 2)(masked_inputs)

        x = masked_inputs
        encoded_list = []
        for encoder in self.encoders:
            x = encoder(x)

        encoded = Concatenate()(encoded_list) if len(encoded_list) > 1 else encoded_list[0]
        decoded = self.decoder(encoded)

        rec_loss = K.mean(mean_squared_error(inputs, decoded))

        return encoded, decoded

    def get_config(self):
        config = super().get_config().copy()
        config.update({'encoding_dim': self.encoding_dim,
                       'n_encoder': self.n_encoder,
                       'noise_std': self.noise_std,
                       'swap_prob': self.swap_prob,
                       'mask_prob': self.mask_prob,
                       'random_state': self.seed})

[docs]class DAE(base.BaseEstimator): """Denoising AutoEncoder feature transformer.""" def __init__(self, cat_cols=[], num_cols=[], embedding_dims=[], encoding_dim=128, n_layer=1, n_encoder=1, noise_std=.0, swap_prob=.2, mask_prob=.0, dropout=.2, min_obs=1, n_epoch=10, batch_size=1024, learning_rate=.004, random_state=42, label_encoding=True, pretrained_model=None, freeze_embedding=True): """Initialize a DAE (Denoising AutoEncoder) class object. Args: cat_cols (list of str): the names of categorical features to create embeddings for. num_cols (list of str): the names of numerical features to train embeddings with. embedding_dims (int or list of int): the numbers of embedding features used for columns. encoding_dim (int): the numbers of hidden units in encoding/decoding layers. n_layer (int): the numbers of the encoding/decoding layer pairs n_encoder (int): the numbers of encoding layers in each of the encoding/decoding pairs noise_std (float): standard deviation of gaussian noise to be added to features. swap_prob (float): probability to add swap noise to features. mask_prob (float): probability to add zero masking to features. dropout (float): dropout probability in embedding layers min_obs (int): categories observed less than it will be grouped together before training embeddings n_epoch (int): the number of epochs to train a neural network with embedding layer batch_size (int): the size of mini-batches in model training learning_rate (float): learning rate in model training random_state (int or np.RandomState): random seed. label_encoding (bool): to label-encode categorical columns (True) or not (False) pretrained_model (DAE): a pretrained DAE/SDAE model freeze_embedding (bool): whether to freeze embedding layers when loading the pretrained DAE/SDAE model """ assert cat_cols or num_cols self.cat_cols = cat_cols self.num_cols = num_cols if isinstance(embedding_dims, int): self.embedding_dims = [embedding_dims] * len(cat_cols) elif isinstance(embedding_dims, list): if not embedding_dims: self.embedding_dims = [None] * len(cat_cols) else: assert len(cat_cols) == len(embedding_dims) self.embedding_dims = embedding_dims else: raise ValueError('embedding_dims should be int or list') self.input_dims = [None] * len(self.embedding_dims) assert (encoding_dim > 0) and (n_layer > 0) and (n_encoder > 0) self.encoding_dim = encoding_dim self.n_layer = n_layer self.n_encoder = n_encoder assert (0. <= noise_std) and (0. <= swap_prob < 1.) and (0. <= mask_prob < 1.) and (0. <= dropout < 1.) self.noise_std = noise_std self.swap_prob = swap_prob self.mask_prob = mask_prob self.dropout = dropout assert (min_obs > 0) and (n_epoch > 0) and (batch_size > 0) self.min_obs = min_obs self.n_epoch = n_epoch self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = learning_rate # Following Scikit-Learn's coding guidelines ( # 1. Every keyword argument accepted by __init__ should correspond to an attribute on the instance. # 2. The routine should accept a keyword random_state and use this to construct a np.random.RandomState # object self.random_state = random_state self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) # Get an integer seed from np.random.RandomState to use it for tensorflow self.seed = self.random_state_.get_state()[1][0] self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model self.freeze_embedding = freeze_embedding self.label_encoding = label_encoding if self.label_encoding: if self.pretrained_model is not None: self.lbe = deepcopy(self.pretrained_model.lbe) else: self.lbe = LabelEncoder(min_obs=min_obs)
[docs] def load_dae(self, model, freeze_embedding=True): """Load weights for self.dae from another DAE model. Args: model (DAE): a DAE model with the same init parameters freeze_embedding (bool): whether to freeze categorical embedding layers (True) or not (False) Returns: None """ self.embedding_dims = model.embedding_dims self.input_dims = model.input_dims encoded, inputs = self.build_dae(None) self.dae.set_weights(model.dae.get_weights()) if freeze_embedding: for layer in self.dae.layers: if layer.trainable = False return encoded, inputs
def build_model(self, X, y=None): if self.pretrained_model is None: self.build_dae(X.nunique().tolist()) else: self.load_dae(self.pretrained_model, self.freeze_embedding) self.model = self.dae self.model.compile(optimizer=Adam(self.learning_rate)) def build_dae(self, input_dims: List[int]): inputs = [] num_inputs = [] embeddings = [] if self.cat_cols: for i, col in enumerate(self.cat_cols): assert self.input_dims[i] or input_dims[i], f"{i}th input_dim is neither set nor passed." if not self.input_dims[i]: self.input_dims[i] = input_dims[i] if not self.embedding_dims[i]: self.embedding_dims[i] = max(MIN_EMBEDDING, 2 * int(np.log2(self.input_dims[i]))) inp = Input(shape=(1,), name=col) emb = Embedding(input_dim=self.input_dims[i], output_dim=self.embedding_dims[i], name=col + EMBEDDING_SUFFIX)(inp) emb = Dropout(self.dropout)(emb) emb = Reshape((self.embedding_dims[i],))(emb) inputs.append(inp) embeddings.append(emb) if self.num_cols: num_inputs = Input(shape=(len(self.num_cols),), name='num_inputs') merged_inputs = Concatenate()(embeddings + [num_inputs]) if embeddings else num_inputs inputs = inputs + [num_inputs] else: merged_inputs = Concatenate()(embeddings) if len(embeddings) > 1 else embeddings[0] dae_layers = [] for i in range(self.n_layer): dae_layers.append(DAELayer(encoding_dim=self.encoding_dim, n_encoder=self.n_encoder, noise_std=self.noise_std, swap_prob=self.swap_prob, mask_prob=self.mask_prob, seed=self.seed, name=f'dae_layer_{i}')) encoded, decoded = dae_layers[i](merged_inputs) _, merged_inputs = dae_layers[i](merged_inputs, training=False) self.encoder = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=encoded, name='encoder_model') self.dae = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=decoded, name='decoder_model') return encoded, inputs
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, validation_data=None): """Train DAE Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): features to encode y (pandas.Series, optional): not used validation_data (list of pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series): validation features and target Returns: None """ if validation_data is not None: if y is None: X_val = validation_data[0] y_val = None else: X_val, y_val = validation_data if self.cat_cols and self.label_encoding: if self.pretrained_model is not None and self.lbe.is_fitted: X[self.cat_cols] = self.lbe.transform(X[self.cat_cols]) else: X[self.cat_cols] = self.lbe.fit_transform(X[self.cat_cols]) if validation_data is not None: if self.pretrained_model is not None and self.lbe.is_fitted: X_val[self.cat_cols] = self.lbe.transform(X_val[self.cat_cols]) else: X_val[self.cat_cols] = self.lbe.fit_transform(X_val[self.cat_cols]) self.build_model(X, y) features = [X[col].values for col in self.cat_cols] if self.num_cols: features += [X[self.num_cols].values] if validation_data is not None: features_val = [X_val[col].values for col in self.cat_cols] if self.num_cols: features_val += [X_val[self.num_cols].values] es = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=.0, patience=5, verbose=1, mode='min', baseline=None, restore_best_weights=True) rlr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=.5, patience=3, min_lr=1e-6, mode='min') if validation_data is None:, y=y, epochs=self.n_epoch, validation_split=.2, batch_size=self.batch_size, callbacks=[es, rlr]) else:, y=y, epochs=self.n_epoch, validation_data=(features_val, y_val), batch_size=self.batch_size, callbacks=[es, rlr])
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Encode features using the DAE trained Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): features to encode Returns: Encoding matrix for features """ X = X.copy() if self.cat_cols and self.label_encoding: X[self.cat_cols] = self.lbe.transform(X[self.cat_cols]) features = [X[col].values for col in self.cat_cols] if self.num_cols: features += [X[self.num_cols].values] return self.encoder.predict(features)
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, validation_data=None): """Train DAE and encode features using the DAE trained Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): features to encode y (pandas.Series, optional): not used validation_data (list of pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series): validation features and target Returns: Encoding matrix for features """, y, validation_data) return self.transform(X)
[docs]class SDAE(DAE): """Supervised Denoising AutoEncoder feature transformer.""" def __init__(self, cat_cols=[], num_cols=[], embedding_dims=[], encoding_dim=128, n_layer=1, n_encoder=1, noise_std=.0, swap_prob=.2, mask_prob=.0, dropout=.2, min_obs=1, n_epoch=10, batch_size=1024, learning_rate=.004, random_state=42, label_encoding=True, pretrained_model=None, freeze_embedding=True, n_class=None, output_layer_size=1024, output_activation='sigmoid', output_loss='binary_classification'): # If None, it will be set in fit() self.n_class = n_class self.output_layer_size = output_layer_size self.output_activation = output_activation self.output_loss = output_loss super().__init__(cat_cols=cat_cols, num_cols=num_cols, embedding_dims=embedding_dims, encoding_dim=encoding_dim, n_layer=n_layer, n_encoder=n_encoder, noise_std=noise_std, swap_prob=swap_prob, mask_prob=mask_prob, dropout=dropout, min_obs=min_obs, n_epoch=n_epoch, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, random_state=random_state, label_encoding=label_encoding, pretrained_model=pretrained_model, freeze_embedding=freeze_embedding) def build_model(self, X, y=None): if self.pretrained_model is None: encoded, inputs = self.build_dae(X.nunique().tolist()) else: encoded, inputs = self.load_dae(self.pretrained_model, self.freeze_embedding) # supervised head x = Dense(self.output_layer_size, 'relu')(encoded) x = Dropout(self.dropout)(x) supervised_outputs = Dense(self.n_class, activation=self.output_activation)(x) self.model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=supervised_outputs, name='supervised_model') self.model.compile(optimizer=Adam(self.learning_rate), loss=self.output_loss)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, validation_data=None): """Train supervised DAE Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): features to encode y (pandas.Series): target variable validation_data (list of pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series): validation features and target Returns: None """ assert y is not None, 'SDAE needs y (target variable) for fit()' if self.n_class is None: if y.dtype in [np.int32, np.int64]: n_class = len(np.unique(y)) if n_class == 2: self.n_class = 1 self.output_activation = 'sigmoid' self.output_loss = 'binary_crossentropy' elif n_class > 2: self.n_class = n_class self.output_activation = 'softmax' self.output_loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy' else: self.n_class = 1 self.output_activation = 'linear' self.output_loss = 'mean_squared_error' super().fit(X, y, validation_data)